Meet Sabertés.
Jaime Sabertés was Pablo Picasso’s personal secretary. Their relationship was forged by “complicity and mutual admiration,” according to Museo Picasso, and thrived on camaraderie and a collaborative spirit.
Sabertés Virtual Assistants are a group of artists providing virtual assistant services. Your dedicated VA is eager to perform the skills required to ensure your success.
Career artists are entrepreneurs. We run our own businesses and specialize in collaborating with all sorts of people. We know what it is like to take pride in business and form relationships with stakeholders and clients. Our skills are transferable! An artist’s curiosity is a byproduct of our arts background. We enjoy working in new administrative environments and diving into the possibilities there.
Sabertés Virtual Assistants provides limited services for business and personal assistants. You would be matched with a dedicated virtual assistant to provide an assortment of services including:
- Phone Answering Services
- Email inbox management
- Calendar and schedule management
- Scheduling
- Billing (invoicing and collecting balances)
- Insurance billing for private practices
- Website updates (Small updates, post blog, no content creation)
- Mailing and shipping
- Business shopping or quote research
- Light bookkeeping
- Social media posting
- Book travel
- Project coordination
- Research
We welcome you to consider us as collaborators to work towards your business’s vision! We know what it is like to work on our own creative goals, let us help you with your business goals! Email to help us match you with a dedicated VA.
- Quote request
- Discovery call
- Placement
- Interview with your Sabertes VA
- Onboarding
- Ongoing-check-ins.
We have packages that start with 5 hours per month.
What are the perks of working with an artist? We are way more interesting than our competitors and have a desire to connect with you (and your team) on a personal level.
Are you an artist and interested in joining our group? Email

CMR Art Studio’s new admin services, Sabertés Virtual Assistants, is an exciting combination of Christine’s administrative experience and entrepreneurial spirit. Her work experience includes +10 years of experience as an administrative assistant and in project management.
Christine's curiosity is a byproduct of her arts background. She enjoys working in new administrative environments and diving into the possibilities there.
Whatever new “hat” your office needs, she is eager to learn and perform the skills required to ensure the team’s success.
Her time and project management skills are excellent because, for years, she has worked full time while running an art studio on the side. The latter requires management of several teaching schedules and production deadlines. She would share her coordination skills and compassion to support your vision. She spends a lot of energy on building positive relationships in the workplace, whether it is with her nine-to-five employer or her own business.
Her administrative skills would be a good match with organizations that value collaboration, customer-first orientations, and are at the forefront of innovation. She stays up to date on new technologies; her work ethic includes compassion, attention to detail and efficient communication; and she utilizes Agile principals to maximize efficiency and accuracy.
Christine welcomes the opportunity to discuss how my experience fits your needs. Please feel free to email